
文化芸術の夕べ G7 Hiroshima Summit Memorial Concert | 2024.7.27 平和記念公園内






























A year has passed since the holding of the G7 Hiroshima Summit.
On a summer evening coming soon, join us in turning our thoughts into a prayer for world peace.
Take time to appreciate the sound of the A-bombed piano,
and violin and experience the thrill of Kagura, Hiroshima's ancient performing art.


イベントチラシダウンロードボタン Event Flyer




名称 Event Title

文化芸術の夕べ ~G7広島サミット開催1周年~
G7 Hiroshima Summit Memorial Concert

​日時 Date

2024.7.27 Sat. 18:30 Start

会場 Venue



Motoyasu River Waterfront Terrace (at Peace Memorial Park)​

*The Concert is subject to shortening or cancallation in case of inclement weather.
In case of rain, the musical portion of the concert will be presented in the Hiroshima City Peace Memorial Park Rest House.

観覧料 Fee

Free Viewing


プログラム Program


神楽公演「八岐大蛇」Hiroshima Traditional Culture Kagura ”Yamata no Orochi”​​

音楽公演「被爆ピアノ・ヴァイオリン デュオ」Recital on a piano that survived the A-bomb and a violin

サミット振返り演出 G7 Hiroshima Summit review movie


神楽公演 Hiroshima Traditional Culture Kagura


Kinsho Kaguradan is a troupe of performers of Kagura, Hiroshima's ancient art form of music and dance. The troupe's members have performed throughout Japan and around the world. At the G7 summit held in Hiroshima, one of the two cities devastated by atomic bombs, Kinsho Kaguradan performed Yamata no Orochi, captivating the audience with their powerful rendition of this traditional performing art.​



琴庄神楽団 Kinsyo Kaguradan​​bar


 Kinsho Kaguradan is a Kagura troupe based in the Toyohira district of Kitahiroshima-cho. The troupe's name signifies members' worship of the guardian deities of Kotodanitennichi and Shobara Hachiman.
Having learned their craft from a Kagura troupe in Takamiya cho, Hiroshima Prefecture. Kinsho Kaguradan focuses on Kagura as an on-stage performing art. In 2005 Kinsho Kaguradan announced their composition of a Kagura performance inspired by Oshu-Hiraizumi, and Itsukushima, inspired by Miyajima, a World Heritage site in Hiroshima in 2010.


​「八岐大蛇」 Program: Yamata-no-Orochi​​​bar


 As the deity Susanoo-no-Mikoto was banished from Takamagahara, the High Plain of Heaven, he encountered Ashinazuchi and Tenazuchi and Kushinadahime, grieving by the Hinokawa river in the land of Izumo. When he inquired as to the reason for their grief, he learned that a great serpent had devoured the couple's first seven children and would soon devour Kushinadahime, their eighth.
At length, the great serpent appeared, riding on a trail of gathering clouds. Susanoo-no-Mikoto tricked the serpent, plying it with a cask of saké. The great serpent became drunk and fell asleep, whereupon Susanoo-no-Mikoto slew the beast. From within the tail of the great serpent, Susanoo-no-Mikoto discovered the sword Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi, "Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven". Susanoo-no-Mikoto dedicated the story of Yamata-no-Orochi, the "eight-forked serpent".




音楽公演 Recital on a piano that survived the A-bomb and a violin


Mami Hagiwara, a Hiroshima-born pianist active on the world stage, and Hiroshima Orchestra concert mistress and violinist Chihiro Kitada, also a native of Hiroshima, will play a duet.
In the duet, Ms. Hagiwara will play the piano that survived the atomic bombing.

エルガー「愛の挨拶」 Elgar「Salut d'amour」 
クライスラー「美しきロスマリン」 Kreisler「Schön Rosmarin」
マスネ「タイスの瞑想曲」 Massenet「Meditation de thais」
 ほか others



萩原 麻未 Hagiwara Mami​ (Piano) bar


 Born in Hiroshima Prefecture. In 2010 Mami became the first Japanese national to win first prize at the 65th Geneva International Music Competition. The prestigious competition does not award the first prize every year, and the first prize had not been awarded in eight years. At age 13, Mami became the youngest-ever winner of the 27th Palma D'Oro International Piano Competition.
​ After graduating from Hiroshima Music Hligh School, Mami studied in France on a scholarship from the Agency of Cultural Affairs as part of the Japanese Government's Program of Overseas Study for Upcoming Artists. After completing the Master's program at the Conservatoire de Paris, Mami graduated from the Regional Conservatory of Paris and the Salzburg Mozarteum.
​ In addition to major orchestras in Japan, Mami has performed with the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande and the Orehestre National des Pays de la Loire, in France, and SWR Sinfonieorchester, in Germany, among others. Today she pursues an active concert schedule worldwide, with focus on Japan and France.
 Mami is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards, including the Hiroshima Citizen's Award (2001), the 13th Hotel Okura Music Award, the 22nd Fresh Artist Award of the Nippon Steel Music Awards, the 22nd Idemitsu Music Award, and the Commissioner for Cultural Alfairs Award (International Performance Division) (2010).

Official website



北田 千尋 Kitada Chihiro (Violin)​​bar


 Born in Hiroshima Prefecture. After earning a Master's degree from Toho Gakuen School of Music, Chihiro traveled to Belgium to study at Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel.
​ Chihir won 4th place in the 7th Sendai International Musie Competition, 2nd place in the inaugural International Violin Competition at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, and 1st Prize at the 65th Student Music Concours of Japan, Junior High Sehool Division. She has received numerous awards, including Honorable Mention at the Ishikawa Music Academy Awards, the Music Academy in Miyazaki Award for Excellence and the Kirishina International Music Festival Award. She earned the Maple Award from the Hiroshima Prefectural Board of Education and the Phoenix Award from the Mayor of Hiroshima.
​ Chihiro performs with orchestras throughout Japan and around the world, as a soloist, concert mistress, and chamber musician. As a member of Quartet Amabile, she won 3rd prize and a special prize in the String Quartet Division at the 65th ARD International Music Competition in Munich. Since July 2024 she has been active as concert mistress for the Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra.

Official website


広響って?オーケストラの魅力を   下野竜也さんに聴いてみました!



Akiko's piano: A -bombed piano


This piano was produced in 1926 by the Baldwin Piano Company in the United States. It was a treasured possession of Akiko Kawamoto, who was born in Los Angeles that same year.
 In 1933, Akiko moved to Hiroshima with her parents and younger brother.
​ On August 6, 1945, the atomic bomb fell on Hiroshima.
 Akiko was working as a student volunteer, mobilized for the war effort, about a kilometer away from ground zero. She died the next day, at just 19 years old, from acute radiation sickness.
​Akiko's piano was in her home at the time of the bombing and was damaged by countless shards of glass. In August 2005 Hiroshi Sakaibara, a piano tuner, completed the difficult process of restoring the piano. That month, at the Hibaku (A-bomb-impacted) Piano Concert, an event that offered a prayer for peace on the 60th anniversary of the atomic bombing, the beautiful sound of Akiko's piano was heard for the first time since the A-bomb attack. Since that time, Akiko's piano has continued to sing its message of harmony, a precious relic reminding successive generations of that dreadful event and the importance of peace.
​* Akiko's piano is owned and maintained by the HOPE Project.

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戦後78年目の夏。  ひとりひとりが考えてみる平和のこと





The G7 Hiroshima Summit Memorial Concert is sponsored by the G7 Hiroshima Summit Memorial Concert Executive Committee, which is Composed of the Govemment of Hiroshima Prefecture, the Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Association, NPO Hiroshima Kagura Art Laborarory and the Chugoku Simbun.

イベントチラシダウンロード (PDFファイル)(2.17MB)

Event Flyer (PDFファイル)(1.23MB)









G7広島サミット記念館の紹介 Introduction to the G7 Hiroshima Summit Commemorative Gallery



 To provide a look back on the G7 Hiroshima Summit, the Gallery exhibits Items such as the guestbook signed by national leaders and the round table and chairs at which the leaders were seated.
 The Gallery also showcases the events held for the leaders and the Partners' Program, as well as Information disseminated by the International Media Center on the attractions of Hiroshima and its activities for the youth on whom the future depends.

Official website

​ Before visiting the Gallery, please check the website to confirm opening times.



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