Experience corner


Experience corner

This interactive display area offers numerous experiences of the Hiroshima spirit of harmony. Here visitors can enjoy a tea ceremony by the Wafukai tea house of the Ueda Soko School, exhibits and try-on events for samurai armor and kagura robes, and projection mapping using saké barrels. Other exhibits include virtual-reality presentations on tourism and agriculture as well as “mini-experiences” on the environment.


Tea Ceremony - the UEDA Sōko School

BARREL OF HIROSHIMA projection mapping

Smart Glasses for Grape Thinning

Costumes wearing experience for “kagura” a traditional performing art of Hiroshima

The Realization of CUP TO CUP

Seto Inland Sea VR sightseeing experience

Costumes wearing experience for “kagura” a traditional performing art of Hiroshima

Costumes wearing experience for “Kabuto” a decoration Samurai helmet

Greeting Aki Hiroshima Busho-Tai

Return to list of exhibition themes

Tea Ceremony - the UEDA Sōko School
(Ueda Sōko School of Tea
 (Wafū Association))