"The 4th Hiroshima Junior International Forum" 第4回ひろしまジュニア国際フォーラム を開催しました
開催結果 Outcome of the Forum
Hiroshima Prefectural Government has invited high school students from overseas, within Japan and international students to join in a debate and dialogue on international peace to host “Hiroshima Junior International Forum”. The goal of the event is to spread a message of peace overseas, deepen mutual understanding, and train next generation human resources while advancing Hiroshima as an international hub for peace.
Hiroshima Junior International Forum Declaration / ひろしまジュニア国際フォーラム宣言
・See attached file
Hiroshima Declaration 広島宣言(日英併記) (PDFファイル)(338KB)
Action Plans by the participants / 参加者による行動宣言
The groups of participants described what they would do after coming back to their home countries as Action Plans. Please see attached file.
Summary of Action Plan/ 行動宣言の要約版 (PDFファイル)(256KB)
Action Plans (Original in handwriting)/ 行動宣言(手書き原文) (PDFファイル)(1.18MB)
SNS 情報掲載サイト
・Facebook フェイスブック
・YouTube video delivery YouTube動画配信
(1) August 23rd Reporting Session and Declaration
8月23日 報告会・広島宣言発表
(2) Report of the 4th Hiroshima Junioir International Forum
<ダイジェスト版> 第4回ひろしまジュニア国際フォーラム報告
Outline / 概要
(1) Hosted by: Hiroshima Prefectural Government
(2) Supported by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
(3) Date: (Tuesday) August 20, 2019 to (Friday) August 23, 2019
(4) Location: International Convention Center Hiroshima etc.
(5) Theme: What we can do to bring about international peace?
(Initiatives for the abolition of nuclear weapons, reconstruction and peacebuilding)
(6) Participants / 参加者
Category 区分 |
Number of Participants 人数 |
Countries (Regions) 国・地域名 |
Foreign high school students from overseas 海外の外国籍高校生 |
16 people (16 countries and regions) 16名(16か国・地域) |
Sichuan・China, Hawaii・USA, Guanajuato・Mexico, Bolivia, Vietnam, South Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Taiwan, Cambodia, Philippines, Myanmar, Mongolia, India, Sri Lanka, Laos |
Foreign high school students living in Japan 日本国内に在住する外国人高校生 |
15 people (15 countries) 15名(15か国) |
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Czech, Estonia, |
Japanese High school students 日本人高校生 |
49 people (Hiroshima 39, outside Hiroshima 10) 43名(県内39名,県外10名) |
International students enrolled in a university in Hiroshima 広島県内大学等の留学生 |
6 people 6名 |
Bangladesh, Ghana, Indonesia, Philippines, |
(7) Schedule: / スケジュール
Date / 日付 |
Program details / プログラムの内容 |
8/20 (Tue) 8月20日 |
Orientation / オリエンテーション Program to learn the realities of the atomic bombing Keynote speech / 基調講演 ■“Japan's Diplomacy on Nuclear Disarmament” Team Building / チームビルディング Lecture & Group discussion (Nuclear Abolition) |
8/21 (Wed) 8月21日 |
Lecture & Group discussion (Reconstruction and Peace-building) Draft the Hiroshima Declaration / 広島宣言の素案作成 |
8/22 (Thu) 8月22日 |
Visit Miyajima & Okonomiyaki Cooking Experience Observe the Hiroshima Lecture / ひろしまレクチャー見学 Finalize the Hiroshima Declaration / 広島宣言の検討・確定 |
8/23(Fri) 8月23日 |
Create "Our Action Plan" / 行動宣言案の作成 Debriefing Session & Presentation of the Hiroshima Declaration |
フォーラムの写真 Photos

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