
A Message from Participants in the SDGs Booklet Project


Hiroshima Prefecture was selected for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Future Cities by the Prime Minister in 2018. The SDGs Future Cities are a government initiative to strengthen regional revitalization by inviting local governments to submit their efforts to achieve the SDGs, selecting cities that choose to make an outstanding effort, and spreading the popularity of their successful examples. As one part of that initiative, Hiroshima Prefecture has co-created a booklet called SDGs and Business with an Eye on the Future: Efforts Made by Companies in Hiroshima with the Environmental Partnership Office Chugoku of the Ministry of the Environment (EPO Chugoku) since 2018. In this booklet, university students in the prefecture interview and report on the front line of the SDGs in business according to local companies. The objective is to encourage the young generation to understand the SDGs in business and share examples from the prefecture with people both inside and outside Japan. We interviewed with MIYATA Naho  and NAGATA Minori, two participants in the compilation of the 2020 edition of the booklet.


