


Guideline of the Program to Promote Start-ups by Foreign Nationals in the Hiroshima Prefecture National Strategic Special Zone

1.事業の目的( Program Objective)


This program aims to promote business start-up activities by foreign nationals in Hiroshima Prefecture by making it possible for foreign nationals who fulfill standards as prospective start-ups to enter Japan, through procedures taken by the Hiroshima Prefectural Government (hereinafter “Hpg”) including confirmation that the business plans for start-up activities are appropriate and reliable.

2.本事業の対象者(Program Subjects)


Foreign nationals who are starting a new business in Hiroshima Prefecture.

※ 現在既に他の在留資格で日本に在留されている外国人の方は,原則として利用できません。

※In principle, foreign nationals that are already residing in Japan under a different status of residence may not use this program.

3.事業の流れ(Program Process)




(1)創業活動確認の申請 ( Application for confirmation of business start-up activities)

ア 提出書類 ( Documents to be submitted)
The Hpg will confirm the business startup activities. In accordance with the Rules of the Implementation of the Program to Promote Start-ups by Foreign Nationals in the Hiroshima Prefecture National Strategic Special Zone (hereinafter “Rules”), submit the following documents for confirmation.


(1) Application for Confirmation of Business Start-up Activities (Form 1 of the Rules)
(2) 創業活動計画書(要綱別記様式第1号の2)
(2) Planning document of Business Start-up Activities (Form 1-2 of the Rules)

(3) 創業活動の工程表(要綱別記様式第1号の3)
(3) Process sheet of Business Start-up Activities (Form 1-3 of the Rules)

(4) Resume of the applicant (Form 1-4 of the Rules)

(5) 誓約書(要綱別記様式第1号の5)
(5) Written oath (Form 1-5 of the Rules)

(6) Document that can clarify where the applicant will be residing for 6 months after coming to Japan
    (e.g. copy of lease contract application)

(7) 申請人の旅券の写し
(7) Copy of the applicant’s passport

(8) その他,必要書類(例:預貯金通帳の写し等,現金預貯金残高が分かる書類など)
(8) Other necessary documents
     (e.g. document that shows the amount of cash savings such as a copy of the bank book)

※ 1~5の様式は,下記よりダウンロードできます。
※   Form(1)-(5) can be download from the following website of the Hpg


Documents to be submitted should be submitted by persons that fall under any of the following (☆) to the application desk. Please note that application documents will not be accepted by mail or other methods.

【持参いただける方】    < (☆) Persons that may submit application documents>

(1) 申請人本人
(1) Applicant himself/herself

(2) 弁護士又は行政書士で所属する弁護士会又は行政書士会を経由してその所在地を管轄する地方出入国在留管理局長に届け出た者。ただし,申請人本人が国外にいる場合には,本邦の事業所の設置について,申請人本人から委託を受けている者(法人である場合にあっては,その職員)であること。

(2) An attorney or administrative scrivener who has notified the Director-General of the regional Immigration Bureau with jurisdiction over the area where the bar association or administrative scrivener association to which the attorney or administrative scrivener belongs is located. However, if the applicant is located in a foreign country, this shall be a person (or staff member, in the case of a corporation) that has been entrusted by the applicant with the establishment of a business entity in Japan.


※If the application documents will be submitted by persons described in (2), please submit documentation that proves the relationship with the foreign national.

 なお,提出先は,以下のとおりです(Application desk is the following:)

・住所:〒730-8511 広島県広島市中区基町10番52号 広島県庁東館2階

Address:   Commerce, Industry and Labor General Affairs Division, 2F Hpg East Building, 10-52 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan


  Hours: 8時30分 – 17時15分 (Closed Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays and New Year’s holidays)

 イ 創業活動計画の確認(Confirmation of plans for business startup activities)





Upon hearing the opinions of persons having insights into business management, Hpg will confirm that the business start-up activities applied fulfill the conditions provided in (a) to (d) of Item of Article 22 of the Order for Enforcement of the National Strategic Special Zone Act (hereinafter “Enforcement Order”). 

For example, Hpg will check and confirm whether the business start-up activities are appropriate for strengthening the international competitiveness of industries and forming a hub for international economic activities in the national strategic zone, or whether the business plans for start-up activities are proper appropriate and reliable, upon hearing the opinions of persons such as Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultants.

Type and content of the business, detailed plan up to start of business operation, total amount of funds for startup activities, sources and methods of financing, etc. shall be written in the Planning document of Business Startup Activities, so please prepare in accordance with the format.

If the applicant is found to be an antisocial force or to have relations with antisocial forces defined in Item (iii) of Article 2 of Hiroshima Prefectural Organized Crime Group Exclusion Regulation, the application cannot be accepted. If this becomes known after the application has been accepted, its rescission shall have a retroactive effect.

(2)「創業活動確認証明書」の交付 (Issuance of a “Certificate of Confirmation of Business Start-up Activities”)


 <交付場所>広島県商工労働局イノベーション推進チーム(広島県広島市中区基町10番52号 広島県庁東館2階)


When the appliance for confirmation of business startup activities is appropriate and those activities fulfill the all conditions provided in (a) to (d) of Item of Article 22 of the Enforcement Order (hereinafter “the conditions”), the Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture will issue the “Certificate of Confirmation of Business Startup Activities” (Form 2 of the Rules).

Innovation Promotion Team, Hpg


Commerce, Industry and Labor General Affairs Division, 2F Hpg East Building, 10-52 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan

When it is acknowledged that the application for issuance of the certificate is not in order or that it does not satisfy some of the conditions, the Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture will issue (by post) a “Notification on the results of the confirmation of business startup activities” (Form 3 of the Rules) and notify the applicant that the certificate may not be issued.

(3)在留資格認定証明書の交付申請・在留期間の決定     (Application for issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility for Resident Status and decision on the Period of Stay)


When a “Certificate of Confirmation of Business Startup Activities” has been issued, the applicant should apply to a regional immigration bureau that has the jurisdiction over the domicile for issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility for Resident Status within the 3 months that the “Certificate of Confirmation of Business Startup Activities” is valid

(4)創業活動の展開(Implementation of start-up activities)




Applicants who received the authorization of Eligibility for Resident Status as “Business Manager”, should submit a “Notification of Landing” (Form 7 of the Rules) to Hpg within 5 days of landing and undertake business start-up activities during the 6 months of the Period of Stay.

During this period, you will be subject to an interview at least once every two months. At that time, you may be requested to submit documents clarifying the situation of implementation of business start-up activities*.

*E.g. Contracts concerning office rental and/or employment of staff, contracts with business partners, personal bank book, etc.

Please consult with Innovation Promotion Team, Hpg if any problems emerge in undertaking start-up activities.

(5)在留期間の更新 (Renewal of Period of Stay)



Please undertake procedures at a regional immigration bureau that has the jurisdiction over the domicile to renew the Period of Stay if you plan to remain in Japan to manage the business after the initial period of 6 months.

It should be noted that during the Period of Stay of the initial period of 6 months, if it is difficult to continue business start-up activities or the renewal of the Period of Stay of “Business Manager” is not approved, you will be requested to return to your home country. Please secure traveling expenses for returning to your home country (equivalent to a one-way ticket to your home country) separately from business funds.


4.申請内容の変更( Change in application contents)

If there is any change to the contents of the application of the Confirmation of Business Start-up Activities after it has been submitted to Hpg, please submit the following documents to the application desk without delay.


 (1)  変更届出書(要綱別記様式第1号の6)
 (1)  Notice of changed matters

 (2)  変更事項を確認できる書類(例:確認申請時に提出した資料の最新版)
 (2)  Documents to confirm the change (e.g. latest version of documents that were initially submitted)


For reference: Cases of change to the contents of the Application for Confirmation of Business Startup Activities (examples) 


・Applicant’s address and contact in Japan

5.創業活動確認の取消(Rescission of Confirmation of Business Start-up Activities)


If during the period between the day of the issuance of “Certificate of Confirmation of Business Startup Activities” and the conclusion of procedures to renew the Eligibility for Residence Status as  “Business Manager,” any of the following is found to be applicable, the issuance of the certificate may be revoked.

(1) 虚偽の申請その他不正の行為もしくは不実の記載のある文書の提出等により当該創業活動確認を受けたことが判明したとき

(1) It is found that the said confirmation was issued upon a false application or other fraudulent acts, submission of documents with false statements, and other such means.

(2) 申請人が暴力団員等であることが判明したとき

(2) The applicant is found to be an antisocial force or to have relations with antisocial forces.

(3) 創業活動計画の進捗状況の確認等を行う際,正当な理由なく説明,文書の提出その他必要な対応に係る広島県の求めに応じないとき

(3) When the person does not, without justifiable reason, comply to requests for explanation, submission of documents, or other necessary requests at the time of confirmation of progress made in startup activities.


Please note that the certificate should be returned immediately if confirmation of business start-up activities is revoked and “Notification of revocation of confirmation of business startup activities” (Form 5 of the Rules) is issued.





・住所:〒730-8511 広島県広島市中区基町10番52号 広島県庁東館2階



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